Friday, September 20, 2013

Being Restored in Quiet and the Presence of God

I had the wonderful opportunity to talk to the UNLV Intervarsity Christian Fellowship group last night. They are an amazing group of college men and women who represent so many talents and also global diversity. I actually got sing in Mandarin Chinese last night during worship time. It reminded me of "For God so loved the world...." I pray for these students and their leaders as they let their lights shine on their university campus, which is located right downtown Las Vegas, and for whatever God has in store for them in their futures.

I got to speak about Daniel and his prayer in Daniel 9:1-19. How do you bring all that down to a 30 minute talk? It is so huge in content and meaning. I had pages and pages of my notes from study, I tried to select some key points and present them conversationally as best as I could. I had prayed much and tried to open myself to the Holy Spirit's leading.

Yet, as soon as I was done I felt like I should have done better. My thoughts began to race that maybe I should have prepared more or practiced more. I felt like I talked too much and maybe presented material too deep for their needs. I was critical of myself and as best as I tried to dismiss those feelings, there were there.

For sure there were things I could have done better. I am learning how to better speak to large groups. I am much more comfortable talking with small groups or one-on-one where you can dialogue and discuss. I could have definitely done better with my conclusion, but since I wasn't using notes I simply forgot some of that part. A win to preach without notes, but alas more development still to be done. I was mindful of the time limit I had been given and came in UNDER time! An improvement for me! So ultimately there were good things and still some things needing development. Ok, so now I know and will continue to grow.

This morning I was drawn to pick up my copy of The Practice of the Presence of God by Brother Lawrence. In doing so I received encouragement from my brother who lived in 1666 as a French monk. His main job was to was to work in the kitchen. He wrote:
"When I had finished [my work], I would examine how I had performed my duty: if I found well, I gave Him [God] thanks; if ill, I besought His pardon, and without losing heart I set my spirit right, and returned anew unto His Presence, as though I had never wandered from Him." 
What I am learning is that at moments where I falter or doubt--or simply fall on my face--there is such peace granted when I return my awareness to My God and His Presence instead of continuing to let my thoughts be negative, destructive or just spin. I took time this morning to just be quiet and "be" in God's Presence. It was relaxing and comforting. It gave me opportunity to stop striving, stop being critical about myself, and return my trust in my Lord who is the caretaker of all.

After I spent some time doing my devotional from "Jesus Calling" and did part of my James Bible study, I prepared to take a nap. I had reminded the students last night that if you began your prayers with praising God for who God is, then everything else would come into better focus and other things may not seem so big. So I practiced what I had preached. While laying down I offered my praise to God by recalling God's attributes (who God is) like Daniel did throughout his prayer. Then I rested.

As I woke and slowly resumed my day, part of a Bible verse came to mind so I looked it up.  When I read it, I smiled.
"For thus the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel, has said, “In repentance and rest you will be saved, In quietness and trust is your strength.” Isaiah 30:15 NASB
Or perhaps easier to understand in this version: 
"This is what the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel, says:“If you come back to me and trust me, you will be saved.If you will be calm and trust me, you will be strong.” NCV


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