Monday, July 22, 2013

And then there was a blog...

I have thought about beginning a blog for some time now... and even tried once (but then honestly chickened out).  It is one thing to talk to a trusted friend or members involved in common study.  It is another thing to let my thoughts flow freely to an unknown audience. A sweet friend once ventured into this uncharted territory when she asked, "What are you thinking about?" After I told her, her response was "I felt like Alice when she went down the rabbit's hole." I laughed out loud.

Becoming comfortable in my own skin and speaking with my own voice is something I am still getting used to.  There is something about words that are so precious and yet so permanent.  They remain beyond the moment in which they are used.  They stick in the minds and hearts others.  I hope and pray to use words wisely... and I pray for forgiveness and grace for all those times when I may not.  In a quest for discovery and to become more completely who I am- I begin.  I invite you to journey along. 


  1. Ellysia...SO very proud of you! And can not wait to read all that is on your mind!! Love you!! <3

  2. You are so sweet Roxy and I appreciate you! Love you too!

  3. Very excited and so proud of you!! Can't wait to read more! Love you my dear friend, Aurora :)
