I have mixed feelings-- in one way, so incredibly proud of them and knowing they are ready to continue to explore and learn and grow. In another way, not wanting to let them go but instead to hold on tightly. I feel as if the clock has accelerated and time is passing way to quickly. It is an amazing ride but flying by sometimes in a blur. I want to beg for it to stop. But time must advance for them to be able to reach their full potential... and for me to reach mine.
The commercials I see on TV right now feature moms and kids in assorted states of household chaos. The punchline is always something about the mom getting to have peace and rest after her kids return to school. They show a picture of a happy and content looking mom because it is "September". Perhaps some moms feel this way--but not every mom. In fact, that doesn't reflect how I feel at all.
First, I miss my kids when they are away from me at any time. I love having them around and doing life together. The first day of school is always sad for me as I find the house is way too quiet and empty. It feels void of the normal spark and lively rhythm.
Second, contrary to the TV commercial's view of the mom sitting around, it seems to me that the pace of that accelerated clock picks up even MORE when school resumes. The fixed schedule of wake-up calls, breakfast, making lunches, signing school forms, driving them to school, volunteering, picking them up, homework, sports, youth group, music lessons, etc. etc. etc.
Third, I am mindful of the many wise women who have encouraged me to treat these years as precious gems. These women had already raised their children and were in the empty nest stage. They said their houses were always clean now and they had tons of time on their hands--but they longed for the days when their children were once at home. Countless women have reminded me that the days are sweet and they don't last forever. I am thankful for this reminder. Before I know it, another year will have gone by--another treasured year. I keep reminding myself, "Make the most of the moments... make the most each moment."
So as I prepare to entrust my children to others who will partner with me in developing them, I am praying -- continually-- for them (and me). But it is sometimes so hard to know how to pray or what to pray--especially when my heart is sad and my emotions are all over the place. It is sometimes helpful to borrow the words of others--or to have it put in a message that comes with the gentleness of a song.
My sister-in-law shared with me this beautiful song called A Mother's Prayer--she preferred the version by Melissa Manchester. Click here to listen to the song
A Mother's Prayer
I know you're listeningAnother song that is a beautiful prayer is actually called The Prayer. I prefer the Celine Dion and Andrea Bocelli version although the duet has been sung by others. Click to watch and listen to Celine Dion and Andrea Bocelli sing it live in New York Central Park
As I lay me down to sleep
It's not for me, I ask
But my children's souls to keep
It seems the world is going crazy
And though I need to do my share
Could you please, take them under wing
Watch over them especially
Keeping them safe from everything
This is a mother's prayer
I know you're listening
In the silence of this night
The news is blistering
But I hold on to your light
And though there's darkness all around us
By my faith, I know you're there
Give me the strength to lead the way
Send me the words I need to say
Use me to guide them day by day
This is a mother's prayer
I know, I can't do this by myself
I thank you for your help
I know you're listening
So I know, I'm not alone
I feel you here with me
As we all face the unknown
Could you return us to your garden
Where no one's hurt and no one's scared
Free us from pride and bitterness
Keep us so close we won't forget
Teach us to love as you love
This is a mother's prayer
Teach us to love as you love
This is a mother's prayer
And as much I love the English and Italian version of The Prayer, I have taken notice that Celine Dion has a modified version also called A Mother's Prayer that adapts the song in a more personal message. It is beautiful and if you have a son you can modify it to "he" instead of "she"... or perhaps use "them/they'll" if you have multiple children. Click here to listen to Celine Dion sing A Mother's Prayer
A Mother's Prayer
I pray you'll be my eyes
And watch her where she goes
And help her to be wise
Help me to let go
Every mother's prayer
Every child knows
Lead her to a place
Guide her with your grace
To a place where she'll be safe
I pray she finds your light
And holds it in her heart
As darkness falls each night
Remind her where you are
Every mother's prayer
Every child knows
Need to find a place
Guide her to a place
Give her faith so she'll be safe
Lead her to a place
Guide her with your grace
To a place where she'll be safe
Blessings to you as you may also be preparing to send children or grandchildren back to school. May God's peace with them and surround them with love.
P.S. Another song that comes to mind that I sing as a prayer is the 3rd verse of Away in a Manger. I often sang it as a bedtime lullaby to my children.
Be near me, Lord Jesus
I ask You to stay
Close by me forever
And love me, I pray
Bless all the dear children
In Thy tender care
And fit us for Heaven
To live with You there